A Premier NBS Community

NewSTEPs is a national newborn screening resource center designed to provide data, technical assistance and training to newborn screening programs and assist states with quality improvement initiatives.

What does a profile get you?

A NewSTEPs login permits access to the NewSTEPs data repository (data access restricted according to user role), and allows users to save NewSTEPs resources in a centralized location.

Newborn Screening Resources

The NewSTEPs resource library incorporates all archived resources on the NewSTEPs website, which can be filtered below by disorder, type and topic.

Trending Data Visualizations

View trending interactive data dashboards that utilize data entered into the NewSTEPs Data Repository including state profile data, monthly and annual quality indicator data, and case data.
Trending State Profile Data Visualizations
Screening Successes Full

Screening Successes

Although there are many conditions included on the North Dakota newborn screening (NBS) panel, many health care professionals still referred to NBS as the "PKU test." Speaking and writing the incorrect terminology can have a negative impact on a family, the provider and the NBS system. This prompted the North Dakota NBS and Follow-up Program to take action. 

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