APHL Informatics Self-Assessment Tool for Public Health Laboratories

Date: October 29, 2018


The APHL Informatics Self-Assessment (SA) Toolkit is a web-based tool that the laboratory can use to assess its informatics maturity across 19 capability areas. Users can compare their laboratory’s capabilities to that of other, similar laboratories and to the national average. The laboratory can use the SA Tool to identify gaps in current informatics capabilities, which may help to determine the laboratory’s readiness to engage in a large-scale data exchange implementation project. The Tool also allows the laboratory to compare its capabilities over time to demonstrate the impact of development projects.

More Information:

APHL has published the Self-Assessment as both a pdf document and as a web-based tool. The web-based version lets registered users save their work and compare previous assessments; it also features robust visualization tools. Email informatics.support@aphl.org to set up an account.